Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tuesday and Wednesday

Math - Algebra word problems
L.A. - Vocabulary test, Correct Essay Structure, George Orwell and Thomas Paine
Writing a essay on wordiness.
History - Puritans, the Massachusetts School Laws, education in Puritan settlements, and blue laws
History test - miss two about the Mayflower Compact so we went back and studied it more.
Music - Trills, connecting octaves, super drill, Arthur Rubenstein and Picasso, repertoire
Science - Einstein, George Washionton Carver, Problem Solving, Mazes, Patterns, the theory of multiple intelligences and logic.
Japanese - Kanji Test (100%) and more Kanji
Literature - Symbolism in The Christmas Carol and the Hobbit, Lightening Lit webinar
Lafcadio Hearn - Reflections, video, vocabulary and lesson on symbolism
Lunch - Dr. Who and Looney Tunes
Reading - Little Women
Read Aloud - Poetry - Robert Burns, Lord Byron
Mommy Time - Little Big Planet


  1. productive two days, with a good bit of variety.

  2. Congratulations to Z on the Japanese.

    We like Looney Tunes, and Tom and Jerry. I really want to get some more on DVD. They are the best.

    I don't know about Little Big Planet.
