Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just a small town girl

Today I am feeling grateful for the small town we live in. I am inspired to make a top ten list of things that made me happy today.

1. Living one block from the river. Recently it has been steely gray with white snow banks reflected on the edges. It's poetic.

2. That Pere job downtown is so close that he can come home for lunch everyday.

3. Looking out the window high up in my therapist's office where I can see half the town at the many historic churches, and buildings.

4. That we have a Chocolate Cafe.

5. The girl with pink hair at the Chocolate Cafe. I wanted to say "I love your hair." But she walked by to fast.

6. That we can afford a house that it large enough that we can have a baby grand piano.

7. The 24 hour Poetry Reading Event coming up.

8. Our AWESOME and FREE Math Center downtown.

9. Our Temple that has a young Rabbi and so many friendly congregants.

10. The many smart, interesting, nice people I have the good fortune to meet.

1 comment:

  1. Neat, town. Unfortunately, the only thing not appealing about the midwest is the cold.
