Monday, March 29, 2010

Homeschooling today and Rebecca.

Zoe wanted to use different materials to homeschool today.

So we read about prime and irrational numbers in her Cool Math book. Zoe says "Pi is my favorite irrational number."

We read poetry by Shakespeare, William Blake, Wordsworth and Elizabeth Barret Browning. Zoe loved E.B.B.'s Sonnets from the Portuguese.

She read a Horrible History about Wicked Words to me. Balderdash means cheap bad wine.

For science we tried to use our deductive skills to solve some crimes from her Solve It book.

Then she practiced kanji, read about Mozart's father, read Huckleberry Finn, practiced the piano for 45 minutes and made a Mud Pie Feast out in the yard with eight different dishes.

She helped her father make Charoset (minced apples, walnuts and wine.) She set the table for Passover and read about 1/3 of the Haggadah, including lots of Hebrew.

Since we told her that her grandmother's brain cancer has worsened Zoe has been carrying around the American Girl doll, Rebecca, that Anne bought her for Hanukkah last year. Rebecca is now her "daughter" and Zoe is bringing her to meals and Rebecca is joining us for homeschooling and she now holds an exalted place among the other AG dolls. I am not sure what is going on there but I imagine that Zoe might be giving the love to her doll that she wishes she could be giving her grandmother.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry about her grandmother.

    Rebecca is a lovely doll. I don't know what it is about those dolls, but they are special here as well. I am sure it is a good thing for her.
