Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Learning this week

Platonic Solids- (prisms,dodecahedron, tetrahedron, anti-prisms)
two problem-two variable algebra, and graphing

Language Arts
Online writing seminar through Davidson Young Scholars, informal, formal, first person, third person, second person, and writing great openings.
Wrote poem with two quatrains and a couplet for Neuroscience Poetry Contest
Five paragraph essay on DNA

Researched and wrote a poem on the functions of the Right Brain
The science of spending and saving

Study several different style pieces.
Castanents by Catherine Rollin (Spanish style)
Ragtime by Christopher Norton (jazz style)
Gavotte by Telemann(a dance)
Arabia by Alexandre Tansman(Arabian flavor)
Sailing by Moonlight by Joan Last

Painted a pastel picture inspired by a piano piece. (inspired by her Sailing by Moonlight piano piece)

Matryoshka dolls

Acted out A Midsummer Night's Dream with her dolls
Watched live performance of Romeo and Juliet by Actors From The London Stage

The Lightning Thief (again, with Pere)
Tanglewood Tales - Nathanial Hawthorne (with Mere)
Midsummer's Night Dream
Greek Myths (by D'Aulaire - again)
Starting City of Ember, Gregor the Overlander, and The Boggart.

Ballet and Tap dance class
Hebrew and Japanese lessons

Baked banana bread with Pere
Played Quiddler, and Quelf with Mere
Watching Dr. Who
Chatting online and emailing with friends


  1. That was a busy week.

    We are studying four Shakespeare comedies instead of 9, though she is going to do Huckleberry Finn, probably the short stories, and poetry. We will start it after the Greek Myth stuff. She is going to do it with her cousin. (I wish I could get her cousin to read with expression, but I guess she is shy about it.) Her cousin has never read Midsummer's Night Dream so that should be fun because that one is great to do over and over isn't it?

    I like her monochromatic blue painting.

    My daughter really likes the first part of the Pygmy story in TWT. She laughs hysterically.

    Platonic solids are interesting.

    We have not tried publishing or submitting any of her poetry into contests. I don't know if she would want to?

  2. Hi Mariposa

    Actually Zoe had most of her afternoons totally free last week. That was when she spent time in her room acting out Midsummer Nights Dream.

    I look forward to the Pygmy story. :)

    At this point Zoe is still into contests. She always has been, but that might change when she gets older.
