Sunday, September 27, 2009


Yesterday was the book festival at our downtown library. I volunteered to be in the Wild Thing costume. It was an honor really. I love Where the Wild Things Are.

The kids were so darn cute. Some of them were scared of the costumed characters. And then some of them were just scared of the monster with the huge teeth and long sharp claws. But I did get a lot of long hugs and kisses.

After 4 hours in the costume (with breaks) we went right outside the library to Art Beat, our annual art festival.

One thing about living in a small town, you see people you know everywhere you go. We saw 8 or 9 families that we know in the short time we were walking about the festival.

Here is Zoe climbing in front of our theatre.

One of our homeschool friends had booth where she was selling her knitting. Zoe and I both got things for fall.

After dinner I GMed our roleplaying game.

The first "episode" was Exiles, and I got both the characters (Zoe plays Summer Jones an earthling with magic powers and Pere is Ostaan a serpentine humanoid retired military commando) away from their home worlds and onto a transdimensional ship piloted by URL (uncanny robotic lifeform)

The second two part episode was Blood Thirsters on the Moon Base Creciry.

Last night was the beginning of another two-parter - Summer Jones, Ostaan and URL find themselves in a Eden-like Jungle and guests to the hospitable and pacifistic Dalimen on the Eve of the Daliman's festival of sacrifice to the Great Momaat.

Today we are having our Fabulous Friends from Fort Wayne over for BBQing and music making.