Monday, June 22, 2009


Or as Zoe would say "Oh Em Gee!"

I was just reading a wonderful article, Gifted People and their Problems by Francis Heylighen, PhD. I really want to post pretty much the entire article. I know it is going to sound horrible for me to say this describes me to a T, but it is such a perfect description that is makes me want to cry.

The following is a digest of the traits that are most often listed as characterizing “gifted” or “creative” individuals.


original, unusual ideas, creativity, connects seemingly unrelated ideas
superior abilities to reason, generalize or problem solve, high intelligence
vivid and rich imagination
extensive vocabulary, verbal ability, fascinated by words
learns new things rapidly
excellent long term memory
grasps mathematical/scientific concepts readily, advanced comprehension, insightful
avid reader.
complex and deep thoughts, abstract thinker
runs mind on multiple tracks at the same time, fast thinker


highly sensitive
excellent/unusual sense of humour
very perceptive, good sense of observation
passionate, intense feelings
sensitive to small changes in environment
aware of things that others are not, perceive world differently
tolerance for ambiguity & complexity
can see many sides, considers problems from a number of viewpoints
childlike sense of wonder
openness to experience
emotional stability, serenity


perfectionistic, sets high standards for self and others
very curious, desire to know
very independent, autonomous, less motivated by rewards and praise
seeker of ultimate truths, looks for patterns, meaning in life
enjoys challenge, penchant for risk-taking
outrage at injustice or moral breaches, good sense of justice
wide range of interests, overwhelmed by many interests and abilities
strong moral convictions, integrity, honesty
high drive
visionary, realizes visions, sense of destiny or mission
loves ideas and ardent discussion
acceptance of self and others


great deal of energy
long attention span, sustains concentration on topics of interest, persistent
cannot stop thinking, work myself to exhaustion
needs periods of contemplation, solitude

Social relations

questions rules or authority, asks embarrassing questions, non-conforming
feels different, out of step with others, sense of alienation and loneliness
very compassionate
empathy: feels along with others, helps them understand themselves

The next two are a bit repetitive but I think even the difference in wording can trigger recognition.

Characteristics of Creative Genius

I have always had an insatiable curiosity.
I am able to run my mind on multiple tracks at the same time.
I learn rapidly and retain / apply what I learn.
I tend to be very independent.
At times I have asked embarrassing questions or rudely pointed out truths at the wrong time.
My preference for the complex can fool me into underestimating the simple answer.
I like to refine and improve others' innovations.
I feel comfortable with a wide range of emotions.

I can see many sides to nearly any issue.
Honesty, integrity, and ethics are important to me.
I can help others understand themselves better.
I am a seeker and champion of ultimate truths.

My nervous system is easily aroused, and I am able to discern the slightest changes in my environment (aromas, shifts in light, etc.) or detect irritants (e.g. scratchy sweater label).

I can feel along with and for others.
I set high standards for myself and for others and am my own worst critic.
I tend to look for consistency and security in systems, rules, and orderliness.
I am often considered a "driven" person.
I am intent on searching out universal truths.

I am deeply disturbed by inequity, exploitation, corruption, and needless human suffering.
I can and do work myself to exhaustion.
Some people think I'm too serious.
I have always been interested in social reform.
I value and will defend diversity.

I have a strong need to "make a difference."
I have a penchant for risk-taking.
I can and do ignore my own needs for the sake of others.

Characteristics of Gifted Adults
Perfectionistic and sets high standards for self and others.
Has strong moral convictions.
Is highly sensitive, perceptive or insightful.
Feels out-of-sync with others.
Is very curious.
Has an unusual sense of humour.
A good problem solver.
Has a vivid and rich imagination.
Questions rules or authority.
Has unusual ideas or connects seemingly unrelated ideas.
Thrives on challenge.
Learns new things rapidly.
Has a good long-term memory.
Feels overwhelmed by many interests and abilities.
Is very compassionate.
Feels outrage at moral breaches that the rest of the world seems to take for granted.
Has passionate, intense feelings.
Has a great deal of energy.
Can't switch off thinking.
Feels driven by creativity.
Loves ideas and ardent discussion.
Needs periods of contemplation.
Searches for ???? in their life.
Feels a sense of alienation and loneliness.

There are some new and interesting ideas that I haven't explored on my blog here:

The Intellectual and Psychosocial Nature of Extreme Giftedness

It has been reported that the higher the level of giftedness, the greater the chance of psychological and social adjustment difficulties.

Those of average ability have a greater need for external structure than the intellectually gifted.

One important difference, then, between average persons and their gifted counterparts is in the need of externally imposed structure.

The possession of the desire to know means that gifted individuals have a need to search for the inherent pattern, logic or meaning in a set of data information, while average people prefer to have the pattern, logic, or meaning already generated and explained.

Another problem for the highly gifted is they grow up with and are often socialized by significant others who do not
understand them well enough to guide their ideas and actions with valid feedback.

Misdiagnosis of the gifted

Unique interpersonal challenges that gifted individuals, couples and families encounter during their life span include :

learning to interact in the mainstream world;

manage expectations and pressures to fit the norm;

defuse unconscious hostility, resentment, antagonism and sabotage directed at them because they are perceived as intellectually, creatively or personally advantaged;

set appropriate boundaries for the utilization of their abilities;

collaborate with others, and manage the daily dilemmas of giftedness involving relatives, bosses, co-workers, neighbors, counselors, teachers and other members of the community.

*Whew!* Right?? How good is that??

1 comment:

  1. I noticed the website is selling many different products, but it is still a wealth of information. Thanks for the link.
