Thursday, May 21, 2009

Summer Curriculum

Take a walk by the river
Take a walk to the park
Take Nature Walk
Take a pick-up-the-trash walk
Take a flower walk and press the flowers
Identify the trees on our street
Identify the trees in the park
Go on a shape walk

Go bike riding
Play catch
Play basketball
Play croqeut
Draw with chalk
Have water gun fight
Go on a bug hunt
Blow Bubbles
Clean up the garage

Go bowling
Go to the Zoo
Go to the library
Go to Health Works
Go to the Chocolate Factory
Go fishing

In the House
Play a board games
Play a card game
Read Aloud
Tackle a cleaning project
Color together
Do Art project
Do Origami
Do a craft
Do a science project
Play a math game
Teach her how to do one of the things on my list (skills like lighting the stove or a candle)
Paint nails
Do a makeover
Do each other's hair
Make a scavenger hunt
Make a scrap book
Write a letter to a friend
Read a poem and make a poem recipe
Draw something we see
Write in a journal
Do Rosetta Stone together
Make an obstacle course
Make a movie
Make a podcast
Create a collage
Draw the family tree
Act out a play
Write a fairy tale
Start a blog
Play chess
Work on a puzzle
Build a lego construction
Do yoga
Play the piano
Sing your songs
Make something out of felt
Play finger string games
Do coloring book
Do activity book
Play hanged man
Draw a self portrait
Dance the disco
Video tape an interview
Make jewelry
Write to each other in code language
Do something secret and nice for a friend
Dress up Charlotte
Make a book and illustrate it
Answer questions from the question box