Tuesday, May 19, 2009

what I am not talking about

So I am not writing because nothing is going on here that I'm ready to write about.

It is still up in the air as to what is going on with my mother-in-law's health.

We are NOT on a cruise ship in Europe now. And yes, we were supposed to be. But we want to be here in the states right now.

So I am not on a cruise and I am not in L.A. I am here, waiting, wondering worrying.

I had three whole days of not thinking about my mom or my sister. Then I found out this afternoon that my nephew's graduation party is this Sunday. Guess who didn't get an invitation? And yes... they know we are in town.

Okay... *deep breath* ,the sun is shining, I have nice friends, Pere made homemade eclairs the other night, Zoe is safe, she'll get to sing in the choir performance, my niece is safe back in Florida,

and, if my sister really doesn't invite me then I don't have to pretend to be nice to her anymore... small reward.


  1. That's terribly childish of your sister because it should be about your nephew on his special day.

    I am sorry about your mother in-law.

  2. Yes the sun does still shine...I like your positivity at the end. Don't loose it.

  3. ((hugs)) I hope your M.I.L. is ok...mine lives just far enough away that we cannot be there
    too quickly, and it can be stressful when she
    is ill. I can so understand you on the family issues..you know my situation is pretty similar.;-) I hope it works out..if she acts up..maybe you can do something nice with just him another day..special dinner at your place?
    Just a thought.((hugs))

  4. You were supposed to be on a cruiseship?!?:D
    Oh...wait :(

  5. Do something really fun with the fam on Sunday. (((hugs)))

  6. do something really fun with pere and Z sunday. (((hugs))
