Friday, April 17, 2009

Asian Festival

Today Zoe performed in the Asian festival.

She sang and recited.

Here she is with her teacher

She was in the fashion show

There were a lot of other performers

There were these cute little Chinese kids singing and dancing.

There was Middle Eastern dancing

Here is her teacher doing a Japanese Tea ceremony


  1. That looks wonderful!! Great costumes!

  2. Wow. What great experience. I've always loved seeing some of the old costumes such as the dance & tea ceremony. Looks like Z had quite the fun.

  3. Gosh, I just caught up with your blog and it seems you have so much to celebrate in your life! Even the process of healing the past and choosing so much in each moment for yourself and your family. Ahhhh. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself here.
    In friendship,

  4. Too super cute. I'm sorry we missed it!

  5. ZOMG!! Grace has a Blue one!! We should have them bring them out "west"for Anime Night! :D
    She looks like she had a great time!
