Sunday, April 5, 2009


I like Dollhouse. Last night we watched episode 8, Needs, and I finally went from "wanting to like Dollhouse but unsure and Where the hell is Joss?" to "I like this show! I really like it!"

In Needs the actives Echo, Victor, Sierra, and November (Mellie) wake up with their own personalities but no memories. That much you probably got if you watched _Next Week On Dollhouse_. It was near the end of the episode, when Boyd and Dr. Saunders were having words with each other that I realized just how much Joss could do with this story.

Buffy, one of my favorite shows of all time, had everything, some of the funniest moments, some of the most heartbreaking, some that made you want to hug yourself or hug a friend. For a show that started out as a Vampire Slaying Cheerleader it was never really that. I could identify with every one of the main characters, sometimes painfully so. And Joss told every kind story using Buffy, Willow, Xander, Giles, and Sunnydale as his medium. I watch all seven seasons over again every year or two and, like a classic book, I get something new out of them each time. There were things I hadn't experienced yet so I wasn't able to appreciate them properly during earlier viewings and there were plot lines that were more personal to me then that overshadowed other stories that Joss was trying to tell.

Then Firefly came around and it was around the 5th or 6th episode that I realized, not without some guilt of betrayal, that I might end up loving that show more than I love Buffy. Firefly... sigh, what a waste. That show could have had it all. My love affair was cut too short.

Of course, this could happen to Dollhouse too. I am a little shy about getting "involved." But, at the sixth episode I felt some chemistry, the seventh episode I just had fun and last night, with the eighth, I have to admit I feel like Dollhouse and I could have a future together. ;)


Other shows we are watching

Flight of the Conchords - Season 1

This is my happy show that makes me forget about all the ridiculous drama that is being forced into my life right now. I love it! The music is, for the most part, brilliant. The humor is deadpan and absurd, just like I like it. If you haven't watched this show I highly recommend it.

Cupid - new show by the creator of Veronica Mars.

I am not sure. I liked the first episode. But, this might sound weird, I kind of wish the guy that plays Trevor/Cupid were more attractive. Is that shallow? Is that sexist?

He has been a a lot of shows that I don't watch, maybe if I had seen him as Wills' boyfriend in Will and Grace or in HBO's Oz, I would feel differently. I did just watch him dance in his underwear on youtube - and that made me think a little more highly of him as an actor... does that make me shallow? Is that sexist?

Better Off Ted

Like Eureka but funny. (*snort*) Well I have only seen the first episode but it was pretty good. I think they need to tweak some things. But I like what they are trying to pull off. It is not going to be my favorite show but it will be a nice diversion while all my favorite shows are on hiatus.


Okay, This show is my guilty pleasure. It is like X-Files with classic rock and two hot guys. Oh, and a lot more humor. Every episode isn't great but the characters are, especially Dean. Jensen Ackles has become the much more interesting brother and I am not just saying that because his eyelashes are dark and pretty like a girls. ;P

Supernatural has your basic monster of the week storyline with a arc about demons, demon blood in one of the characters, and , this season, biblical baddies, angels and prophets. I usually enjoy the monster of the week stories. Some are truly scary, like the one about the clown *shudder*, and some are hilarious, like Ghost Facers. The show doesn't take itself too seriously. It plays off on it's campiness and all the fairy tales, mythologies, and ghost stories that we are all familiar with.

I really really like this show. It is easy and enjoyable to watch and it explores stories and tales that are right up my dark alley.

Okay, this post is getting too long. I talk about Lost, Sarah Connor Chronicles, and other shows I watch on another post.


  1. That's neat that you have some shows you enjoy. I don't really care for anything except What Not To Wear. I should give Buffy a chance, maybe I would like it. My husband and I loved Roswell and that was about aliens/ outsiders/not fitting in. My spouse likes 24, but I can't watch that type of show.

  2. I'm only on ep. 4 of Dollhouse and I like it, but I'm not feeling a hook. Maybe if I keep going it will come. We just ordered all the seasons of Supernatural and Buffy on Netflix! We got hooked last summer on SN but we were kinda lost. I ', m going to start watching Buffy with Bug. The first few seasons should be fine. I also used to be a total Roswell junkie. :)

  3. Mariposa - Have you seen Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog? I think you can get it off iTunes. It is three 30 min episodes. If you like that then try Buffy. :)

  4. Gwenivere - I know that you mean. But give it until episode six, that is when Joss starts writing.

    Ah... Buffy and Supernatural!! Sounds good! You should throw some Flight of the Conchords in there as well. :)

    If Bug likes Buffy she'll have to chat with Zoe about it.

  5. Love Flight of the Conchords! "Buisness Time" has a whole new meaning. haha

  6. I like Rhymenoscerous and Hiphoppotamous.
